Experienced General Counsel Services, Outsourced™.

An experienced in-house attorney shouldn’t be a luxury, it should be a necessity. As your business scales, changes and expands, as you encounter or seek to avoid legal issues, you might not need a full-time attorney, but every business will need legal counsel at some point.

Furton Legal provides experienced, efficient, general counsel services without the overhead of a large law firm or a full-time employee.

If you need help getting your business started, legal counsel on formation or corporate governance, licensing, “DBAs”, contract preparation, review or negotiation, financing or leasing assistance, Furton Legal offers those services.

Whether you need to simply get your business up and running, add a partner, or lease warehouse space, Furton Legal can help handle your legal needs.

Furton Legal is the digital law office of Justine Furton, offering select legal services.
Call 888-336-3627 for an introductory consult.